T i m e T r a v e l l e r 4

TT4 - Conflux - new.png

Time Traveller 4 (2020)

Description: I wanted to put this album in writing for a long time. I wanted to give you the reader what went through my mind while I made this album.

[ CONFLUX : a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point ]

It was around 2019 when I first started building this album. Life was a little bit more chaotic having to balance my day job at UCLA and helping out at Beat Cinema every other week. It was also a time when it was hard to let go of past hurts and really finding out that people really do affect my life (both positive and negatively). I forced myself to recluse a bit more and made more time at home a thing of enjoyment. The creative part of me was knocking on the door every day and the approach was based on how well I felt that day to do it (unlike the last three albums where I set hard goals to finish by deadlines). Conflux, in the sense of this album, was to create a link between my past ideas with present ideas to create something new for the future. It’s an album where I learned a lot about myself and all the possibilities that life has to offer.

R-Type (ch.1 - song 4)

R-Type was actually the first song I built for this album. If I look back at the session file / notes - I definitely wanted to make a darker RnB song with electronic themes. A big part of the inspiration comes from me wanting to clash the softer tones of today’s R&B with synths that don’t belong - but make it cohesive. In the song there is a sample of Pusha-T saying “back for another one” which resonated with me at the time (the sentiment of me going back to play another Beat Cinema show - “like here we go! here’s another one for y’all”). That sample came off a recording that I took in the middle of Los Angeles 405 southbound traffic (maybe around 7AM-8AM). I took my Tascam field recorder and just pressed record on all sorts of textures and sounds I could find throughout that drive to work.

I remember the first time playing this song at Beat Cinema. R-Type starts off soft but then it caught people off guard when the room goes silent with auxillary screaming voices from the bar, then when that first synth chord hit the speakers I could feel people’s energy change. Then the drum hits, along with the signature ‘wave Groove’ (AT&T Text to Speech girl) - and people just nod their heads. I’ve probably played this beat at every show since the time I made it.

It’s probably we

Feature 3

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